By making a holiday booking you accept the following Terms & Conditions:
We request a 50% non - refundable deposit when booking one of the barns. Receipt of the deposit secures your booking. The balance is required six weeks prior to your arrival date. If we do not receive your balance, we will make every effort to contact you but if we can't we will assume you have cancelled your holiday and release the dates - see below. For short lead-time bookings - ie. those booked less than six weeks before arrival, the full amount will be requested to secure the booking.
Cancellation by You
If you cancel your holiday six weeks or more before your arrival date we will refund your balance less a 20% admin fee.Bookings are not transferable to another family without our prior agreement in writing. If you are concerned about the prospect of cancellation, please take out holiday insurance. Please see further info below.
Cancellation by Us
We reserve the right to cancel a holiday at short notice if we do not receive a balance within 6 weeks of arrival. We will make every effort to contact you but if we are unable to we will assume you no longer wish to visit.
We also reserve the right to cancel a holiday if we are unable to provide a safe environment, due to extreme weather conditions, ill health, fire, flooding or any other extenuating circumstances beyond our control. Under such circumstances, your full payment will be returned to you. We cannot accept liability or responsibility for any loss, including consequential loss, caused by cancellation.
The Castle Martin Range
Please ensure that you have been on our website and familiarised yourself with our location in regards to the Castlemartin Firing Range. This untouched and remote beautiful section of the coastline is an area of outstanding natural beauty. It is open to the public at specific times to enjoy. However is is a live firing range and our proximity means that we can be affected by noise at times and access to some parts of the coastal path can be restricted during certain hours. They DO NOT fire through the month of August or over the two weeks of the Christmas school holidays. They never fire on weekends and never on a bank holiday. For more information please refer to the 'Further Reading about King's Mill' section on our website. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss this further.
Children & Adults Safety
There are many opportunities for play and adventure at King's Mill. Our aim is for children to have a truly enriching experience of space and freedom. But there are contingent risks to be aware of. We have firepits, there is a shallow stream bounding the land, there are horses, sheep and cows in the adjoining fields there are tractors and machinery around. We are also in the process of renovating some outbuildings and continue with the restoration of the Mill. These risks are small and should be self-evident - but if you are not clear, please ask! King's Mill accepts no responsibility for injury incurred on site. Parents are responsible for the supervision of their children on site at all times.
The speed limit while on King's Mill property is 5 mph.
Arrival & Departure Times
Arrival time is between 3pm and 10pm. Please call us if you think you may arrive later so that we can make suitable arrangements.
On departure day, please vacate your holiday cottage by 10 am
Consideration for Others
King's Mill cottages and the campsite dwell in a peaceful, quiet environment for the enjoyment of nature. We allow radios played outside at low volumeuntil 10.00pm. Acoustic instruments can be played outside before 10pm also. Very noisy visitors who disturb other guests will be asked politely to leave, without refund.
Recycling & Rubbish
All rubbish must be recycled. That means separating glass, tins, plastic, paper, cardboard, food waste etc. and placing them in the designated bins. What is left, ie. only items that are not recyclable, can be placed in the landfill bin.
Fire pits
Please do not leave your fire pit unattended and think carefully about whether or not to light a fire if it is windy. King's Mill accepts no liability for injury or damage caused by your campfire. By lighting it you accept full responsibility for it. There may be times during extreme dry weather and high levels of combustable grass being present that fire pits are not allowed.
Day Visitors
Day visitors are only permitted by prior agreement. Fees may apply if you have visitors over night.
Property Loss
King's Mill cannot be held responsible for any lost or stolen property.
Smoking is strictly forbidden inside the holiday barns. If you smoke then please please consider the environment and others. Use common sense and do not smoke around other people and be very careful when disposing of cigarette buts.
Dog Policy
Up to 2 well behaved dogs are permitted by prior agreement only. There is a charge of £10 per dog per stay. Guide dogs and assistance dogs are acceptable. If you do want to bring a dog feel free to get in touch and we can discuss it with you. If your dog does comes to the site then they must be on a lead/under control at all times when outside. Dogs must not be allowed up on the furniture or in the bedrooms. Any damage caused by the dogs must be brought to our attention and we may insist on being compensated accordingly.
The Weather
Pembrokeshire as with most of the UK can be subjected to harsh weather conditions. Very strong winds and torrential rain can occur at any time of year.Please note, we do not provide a refund because the weather has not worked out, or is not to your liking. Extreme weather is covered in ‘Cancellations by Us’.
Additional Terms & Conditions
If you do bring your own gas BBQ please use it in accordance with the instructions and never leave anything aflame if you are not in attendance.
Disposable BBQ's
While not environmentally friendly we acknowledge that sometimes these can be handy. Please use the designated area when using these to avoid unnecessary damage.
Breakages & Damage
Should any damage or breakages occur, other than acceptable wear and tear, a charge for repairs or replacement will be made. We reserve the right to charge for excessive cleaning where shower or toilet has been left in an unacceptable condition, through waste, litter, interference in the structures. Guests will be held responsible for any fire, smoke or general damage, or alteration to the structures caused by negligence.
The Woodland and Fort
Our Ancient woodland is protected and the Iron Age Fort is a scheduled monument. There is strictly no camping on the Iron Age fort and strictly no metal detecting anywhere at King's Mill. If you wish to explore the woodland and fort you do so at your own risk. The woodland walk is through the protected ancient woodland. Some areas are out of bounds especially the mill and leat . Many things can cause injury. Branches fall, people can trip, ankles can be twisted and people fall off rope swings. On top of that woodland plants and mushrooms that should not be touched or eaten can make you very ill. Don't let this dampen your sense of adventure but by booking we accept no liability or responsibility for any injury or accident while in the woodland or while staying at King's Mill Camping. Access to the woodland is strictly by prior agreement only. No entry to the woodland between 9.30 PMto 9.30 AM.